The IMPACT Offered COILs

COIL in Research Skills

Start Date: 16th of October 2024

End Date: 5th of March 2025

Final Assessment: 1st option January 2025 / 2nd option April 2025

Frequency: Every Wednesday, 1500 – 1700 CET in Zoom

This COIL is designed to develop critical research skills with a practical focus. Students will learn to analyze and evaluate information critically, conduct comprehensive literature reviews, and design robust research methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative studies. They will also be introduced to how to read, write, and submit their scientific work, preparing them for real-world research scenarios. Technical writing abilities will be enhanced, focusing on clear, well-structured reports and proposals with proper citations and academic integrity. Students will improve their presentation skills and learn to communicate research findings effectively (in experts and non-experts) through oral presentations, posters, and digital media. Project management principles will be taught to ensure efficiency, including planning, organizing, and managing research projects. Emphasis will be placed on ethical research practices, collaboration, and teamwork, fostering effective communication and problem-solving within interdisciplinary teams. This course equips students with the skills necessary for high-quality research and significant contributions to their fields.


Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Western Galilee College, Israel


Tel Aviv University, Israel

Vilnius TECH, Lithuania

Igor Sikorsky KPI, Ukraine

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Wiesbaden Business School, Germany

Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Argentina 

Republican scientific and methodological Center for the development of Education, Uzbekistan

W2L, Greece

For more info on the program, please check it here:

Registration as a student:

Registration as an academic:

Responsible Academic: Associate Professor Konstantinos Petridis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

COIL in Soft and Digital Skills

This COIL is designed to develop the soft and digital skills most wanted in the AI era. In addition to digital literacy, several soft skills are increasingly critical for success across various fields. Here are some essential soft skills: (1) Emotional Intelligence, (2) Critical Thinking, (3) Adaptability, (4) Communication Skills, (5) Creativity, (6) Collaboration, (7) Cognitive Flexibility, and (8) Ethical Judgement and Integrity. In this course, the students will be exposed to various AI tools necessary for their learning in and beyond academic life. For more information you need to register and access the content through IMPACT Moodle platform:

Start Date: 22nd of October 2024

End Date:  4th of February 2025

Final Assessment: 11th of February 2025

Frequency: Every Tuesday, 1500 – 1700 CET in Zoom

Collaborators in the COIL:

  • Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
  • Western Galilee College (Israel)
  • Shamoon College of Education (Israel)
  • University of Biasko – Biala (Poland)

Registration Link for students:

Responsible Academic: Konstantinos Petridis, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece, 

COIL in Leadership

This course explores leadership across various fields, unpacking the core principles and practices that make a leader effective in different contexts. Students will gain insight into diverse leadership styles, engage with guest speakers, and develop their leadership vision. This course aims to develop students’ leadership capabilities across various domains. Students will analyze and apply core leadership theories, assess their personal leadership style, and identify areas for growth.

They will sharpen their communication and active listening skills, learn techniques for motivating teams, and apply critical thinking to decision-making in leadership contexts. The course will also cover ethical considerations in leadership, strategies for managing change and organizational dynamics and applying emotional intelligence in leadership practices. Students will learn to articulate and set organizational vision, develop strategic direction, and apply conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.
By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of effective leadership principles and practical skills to lead in diverse organizational settings.

For more information you need to register and access the content through IMPACT Moodle platform:

Start Date: November 2024

End Date: February 2025

Final Assessment: TBA

Frequency: TBA (in ZOOM)

Collaborators in the COIL:

  • Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
  • Western Galilee College (Israel)
  • Holon Institute of Technology (Israel)
  • Gordon College of Education (Poland)

Registration Link for students:

Responsible Academic: Dr. Noga Gulst, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel,